Rev. Thomas MaijamaaThomas Maijamaa is an ordained minister of the word of God in the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA). He is married to Hannatu and has 3 sons. He received God’s call into full time church planting and evangelism in 1994. Since then he has been a national missionary under the Evangelical Missionary Society (EMS of ECWA) in Nigeria.
He transferred his service to ECWA Keffi District Church Council in 1997 where he served as a senior pastor in various churches. He has been involved in the ministry of church planting and evangelism in rural and suburbs of Abuja environs. |
In 2005 ECWA Church ordained him for the task of church planting and evangelism in confirmation to God’s call upon his life. Thus, that is the work he has been doing – preaching the gospel of Christ, planting churches in villages (among animistic people); organizing local evangelistic conferences, and crusades in the rural and suburbs of Abuja environs in Nigeria
It has been quite challenging since these rural areas and suburbs are gradually becoming urban with an influx of people from different cultural backgrounds. These needs inspired his passion and search for further theological training at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, USA. In May 29, 2014 he graduated with a master degree in urban ministry at Westminster Theological Seminary. He is presently a student at the Billy Graham school of Missions and Evangelism Southern Seminary, KY, USA and hopes to get a PhD in Evangelism and Church Growth in a few years. He hopes to go back to Nigeria after his studies to continue with his pastoral ministry with the Evangelical Church Winning All and to run Rishama International.
He believes that with God all things are possible, thus he holds strongly on total dependence in God in prayers. Passion for the lost souls is the driving force of his life.
It has been quite challenging since these rural areas and suburbs are gradually becoming urban with an influx of people from different cultural backgrounds. These needs inspired his passion and search for further theological training at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, USA. In May 29, 2014 he graduated with a master degree in urban ministry at Westminster Theological Seminary. He is presently a student at the Billy Graham school of Missions and Evangelism Southern Seminary, KY, USA and hopes to get a PhD in Evangelism and Church Growth in a few years. He hopes to go back to Nigeria after his studies to continue with his pastoral ministry with the Evangelical Church Winning All and to run Rishama International.
He believes that with God all things are possible, thus he holds strongly on total dependence in God in prayers. Passion for the lost souls is the driving force of his life.